Sunday, June 24, 2012


Things that make me angry:

Knowing that so little of my friends and family vote.
When people try to make me feel badly about paying attention to politics and the news.
When I'm looked at as 'less fun' because I can explain what's going on in the world.
When someone who doesn't read or clearly has no idea what they're talking about cannot admit that they are wrong or change their views with new information.

Some say that we shouldn't vote because nothing ever changes.  They also say that one side isn't better than the other because they're all liars and crooks.  I say that there is one thing more damaging to us than all of this divisiveness and that is complacency.  I can guarantee you that if everyone took the time to pay attention, to understand, to communicate, and then to VOTE, this world would be a much better place.  We would change things from the bottom-up instead of being controlled from the top-down.  Elections matter.  Isn't that what having a democracy is really all about? 

Thursday, June 7, 2012

An Open Letter to the Republican Congress

Dear Congress,

    I was just informed that you'd like to take the summer off.  I have just a couple issues with this and wanted to take the time to address that with you.  First, you've said in the past that teachers do not deserve the pay they get because they get time off in the summer.  I'd like to know why it is okay for you to make several times the amount that teachers make as well as getting the same time off. 
   Second, how do you expect to put the American people back to work when you are in fact, not working?  I don't think it's possible. What happened to having the 'dignity of work'?
   Third, I work for a corporation and if I decided to take the summer off when I was scheduled to work, my boss would say two words to me.  "You're Fired."  You seem to be in love with corporate America but still want the same cushy government benefits that you vilify public workers for having.  I guess it's okay if you're a republican?  I wonder how you would react if someone tried to take those benefits away from you?  Hopefully your bosses (the American people) will say those same two words to you in November.  Thank you for your time as I know it is very valuable. 

No Love,
