Tuesday, October 19, 2010

The Pro-Life/Choice debate

I just got a letter trying to convince me to vote for our local republican by addressing me as, Dear Pro Life Voter. You clearly don't know your audience honey. "Democrats disrespect the innocence of human life and promote abortions as it were an elixir of the gods." WTF!?! You should have addressed it to Dear, Pro Life (but WAR is okay) voter. I'm pro choice and that does NOT mean Pro Death. 

This issue really gets under my skin as a progressive because it ties in to so many issues.  First, what I do with my body, who I sleep with, and who I want to marry, is MY choice.  And when politicians like Carl Paladino and Christine O'Donnell say that these things are wrong and should be against the law it is a personal attack on a someone who just wants to make a decision for themselves. 

I think that one of the big arguments during the health care debates was 'don't get in between me and my doctor!'  Well what if my doctor thinks the right thing to do is terminate a pregnancy or even smoke pot for my well being?  Because you're trying to put the government in the middle of that decision.

Secondly, the war does not only effect the decision maker.  It effects everyone in this country and many more around the world.  Civilians are killed, our troops are killed (over 50% from friendly fire!), and our nation's reputation is severely damaged.  If you really want to talk about innocent lives, just look at the wars in Vietnam and Korea and the bombings in Cambodia.  That will just about break your heart.

The argument that abortion is worse than war does not hold up if you look at the facts.  My last comment on this pro life issue is that for liberals, it has much more to do with 'what right do you have to tell me what to do with my body' rather than 'yes, I would like to kill more babies please'.  The republicans are all about 'liberty' and 'freedom'.  Well you telling me what to do with my own body is just the opposite of freedom.  Just let that sink in and then tell me if we think 'abortion is the elixir of the gods.'

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