I had a thought today. If the tea partiers and republicans hate regulation so much, why are they in love with the constitution? Isn't that kind of the ultimate regulation? And then I realized that because the Constitution regulates the government, that's why they're okay with it. Here is the lesson: Some regulation is good and serves a purpose. The Constitution protects citizens against illegal search and seizures, ensures us a right to counsel, and also a right to assemble peaceably and protest injustices. In short, the Constitution protects its people and that's what the aim of business regulation is. Not to destroy jobs, but to protect its people. The EPA regulates industry so that we can have clean air and water. The SEC regulates financial transactions and Wall Street so that they can't crash the economy again and continue to take advantage of the poor. Here's an example of the differences:
When the Tea Party assembled to object to government action, with weapons, the government allowed them to do this because they have the right to protest, and unfortunately, to carry arms. These are constitutionally protected rights. When the Occupy Wall Street protesters object to continued corporate greed that has recently crashed our economy, the Wall Street workers menacingly toasted them with Champagne and watched while they were arrested for practicing their rights. Yes, it was the police that carted away the protesters, but think about all of the corporate money in politics right now and why it might be in their interest to make this go away. It really makes you think who is really controlling this country. When you have 'lets cut spending' republicans protecting oil company subsidies and tax breaks for corporate jet owners, you have to ask yourself, "What's in it for them?" Money, that's what.
When you allow an entity to do whatever they want, that's exactly what they are going to do. They are not going to do the right thing for the sake of doing the right thing or because they care about the 99%. They only care about themselves. The corporate standard operating procedure in this country for years has been to squeeze the benefits from the bottom so that they rise to the top like a tube of toothpaste. This consistent action has resulted in taking advantage of people, violating rights, ripping people off, and literally making this world a worse place with no end in sight.
The reason why they are doing this is because WE LET THEM! WE vote in the people who are in the pocket of the 1% and are in some cases PART of the 1%. The protesters have it right. What is going on is WRONG and it needs to be changed. Pointing out the hypocrisies is the first way to start this and it is starting to sink in.
I'm not wrong. If you take a minute to think about it on your own instead of listening to a talking point constructed by a lobbyist, you'll get it too.
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