Saturday, January 8, 2011

Untitled Rant

The big news yesterday was that the unemployment rate is down to 9.4%!  I was so happy that I did a little dance in my living room when I read the news.  Then later one of my conservative friends said, “See, the new congress is getting things done already!”  -insert eye roll here-   First of all, these are stats from December, you know when that Lame Duck was still in charge?  Second, all the new congress has done is read the constitution and talk about Health Care Repeal.  When did they have time to pull their heads out of their asses and do anything about jobs?  

By the way, this reading of the constitution thing really fucking bothers me!  Not the actual reading of it, but the attitude behind it.  Here come all the newbies ‘schooling’ the democrats on what the constitution is.  My prediction is that they get to the 14th amendment (equal protection clause), realize that it’s written to include ALL humans (including racial minorities, women, and gays), quickly roll up the document and exclaim, “Nevermind that, let’s talk about taking health coverage away from sick kids and cancer patients!”  Of course, this prediction is assuming that they can get past the first amendment.  But that's okay, I personally don't really need a second amendment. 

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