Sunday, January 2, 2011

I'm on to you, Tom Coburn!!

I've been ignoring the news this weekend because I've been pretty snowed by my cold medicine, so I decided to do some catch up reading.  I came across this article about the new congress coming in and this quote made me pretty mad:

"There will not be one American that will not be called to sacrifice" under the needed spending cuts to deal with the deficit, Coburn said on "FOX News Sunday."  That's Republican Senator Tom Coburn of Oklahoma.  Yes, the same Tom Coburn who tried to block the 9/11 responders bill.

When we talked about sacrifice during the debates of raising the taxes on the rich, that was 'taking away liberties', being 'unamerican' and 'socialist'.  So when they decide to cut help to the poor or middle class (medicare, unemployment and veterans' benefits, social security, headstart programs, wages for teachers, police officers, and firemen) then it's just, 'we all have to sacrifice'.  Uh huh, I see where you're going with this...I will believe your statement of 'not one American that will not be called' when you start cutting the corporate welfare that is defense spending. 

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