Sunday, February 20, 2011

First Smart Girl of the Week

I have been thinking for awhile that girls today need some GOOD role models.  I’m someone who says live and let live most of the time, but that doesn’t mean that I want my daughter looking up to Lindsay Lohan for lessons on how to live her life.  I want to put a spotlight on those girls out there who I would love for my daughter to end up like.   Sure, ending up like Jessica Simpson might be nice.  She’s pretty, has lots of money, and is, well, kind of talented.  But she doesn’t go down in my book as being the smartest.   And when one thinks of a possible Presidential nominee being someone like Sarah Palin, we really need to put the spotlight back on brains.   So here we go, the first Smart Girl of the Week is…Cara Santa Maria!

Cara first caught my attention when I read her article on Science and Religion.  It is a very smart look at the fine line between the belief in science and evolution and the belief in Religion.  This is an issue that is on my mind a lot lately.  I, as a progressive, am sick of seeing conservatives bash Science like it's something still to be questioned.  For example, we have congressmen saying things like, "The science should not even be in the debate, right?  The Science needs to get out of Washington DC and out of the Parliaments and get into the labs.” (Rep. Jack Kingston of Georgia, Republican if you were wondering.)  

Cara said this about another congressman with this kind of outlook, "I'd like to see John Shimkus censured.  And here, it's not about an ethics violation, it's about ignorance to a position that you're in and it really scares me that this man wants to head an energy committee when he is citing Genesis as to why global warming is not going to affect us in this country." (From her appearance on “Parker Spitzer” in December)

And to that, I said, “Right on sister!”  So beyond the fact that I agree with her politics, she has the degrees to back herself up.  Here’s a short bio about Cara:

Cara is from Texas and from her own admission has, “Always been a fan of Science” and competed in several science fairs while in school.  She has an undergraduate degree in Psychology with a minor in Philosophy from the University of North Texas, a masters degree in Neurobiology, and is working on her PhD in Clinical Neurobiology.  Some of her most recent research includes studying the neurophysiology of blindness and working with the Zebra Finch to study Neurogenesis.  She has appeared on “Larry King”, where she held her own as the ONLY woman on the panel next to Dr. Drew and Dr. Amen.  I really enjoyed her appearance on the aforementioned “Parker Spitzer” because when Kurt Loder was talking about how nice a government shut down would be, Cara mentioned she was a ‘Progressive’ so she’d like to see some progress in Washington. 

Well, Cara, as a progressive, I hope you keep writing and working to bring Science even more into the mainstream!  Women like you are greatly needed as role models for our youth, as well for parents like me to remind us that our kids’ education means so much. 

Follow Cara on Twitter:  @CaraSantaMaria

1 comment:

  1. I loved her article on science and religion, I really think she's a smart and witty role model for girls instead of idolizing the Paris Hiltons of the world. Can't lie- I love how she's making science sexy! ;)
