Monday, April 18, 2011

Real Comments from Rank and File Republicans

Okay, seriously.  Check out the crazy that is out there right now.   I think these comments speak for themselves.
Happy "The government takes all your money to redistribute to people who don't work & to programs that are ridiculous" Day! :)
 Cassi  Yaaay! I'm so happy for the people that sit on their butts all day and collect welfare for years and years and years! It makes the months my husband spends away helping to protect this country so much more worth it!
I am a compassionate conservative. I enjoy and feel called to helping people who need help. I do resent the government stealing my money from me and giving it, not to the true poor who need assistance, but to corrupt government workers permanent jobs that refuse to work for their pay and to citizens who abuse the government assistance programs. Give me my money and teach me godly ways to support those with true needs, don't give me a corrupt top-heavy government and an populace suffering from "learned helplessness".
Sarah  I agree with helping people however the vast majority of those receiving government assistance have figured out how to work the system and could live without the assistance if they used the program girl at work told her supervisor that she couldn't exceed her sales goals to get incentive bc she would make too much & lose her welfare...not exactly the intent of the program!
Deantha  I agree. It is unfortuante, though, that many of us who are commanded to help those with real needs neglect our opportunities to do so, leaving it to a government institution that simply cannot govern itself in implementing such programs and end up creating a dependent populace.
Stephanie  It hurt my soul to write that check to Uncle Sam. A lot.
(ME)  Jill Kresl   Well, Stephanie, then you should be mad at the corporations who didn't have to pay ANY. Public workers pay taxes just like the rest of us.
Sarah I've been waiting for you Jill! Lol
Jill Kresl I'm really trying to restrain myself out of respect for you...seriously, did you guys not watch the budget debate at all?
Deantha corporations provide jobs government provides dependency
Stephanie Oh, trust you me, I'm very mad Jill! I told my husband I'm just going to quit working.. Its more profitable.. Lol
Jill Kresl Sure, it provides jobs for people in the Philippines and India. And you're right, it provides dependency for defense contractors for sure. And on a much larger scale then the one you're worried about.
Deantha oh yeah! you are so right. American corporations provide no jobs in America. :P perhaps if the unions hadn't sucked the employee base into excessive and unreasonable expectations some of those jobs could have remained here. take a walk in our social programs and see how many people your dependency system has destroyed. hold yourself accountable for that horrid vote you cast.
Jill Kresl Sounds like someone took their daily dose of fox news. I'm done here crazies. Happy tax day.      
I mean really, how do I argue with that?  A friend of mine today said, "You can't make them see.  They see what they want."  And unfortunately, that is the truth.

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