Monday, June 13, 2011

Santorum...There's a Reason This Guy's Name Means What it Does

I tuned in to Meet The Press today, as I do every Sunday because I'm a huge nerd.  But this week was especially exciting because I wanted to see Rick Santorum crash and burn.  He didn't disappoint.

There was so much wrong with the interview today but my main takeaways were:  

1.  Deficits matter now, but not in 2002 when they were trying to start the Iraq war.
2.  No abortion even in cases of rape and incest and doctors should be criminally charged.

3.  He'd get rid of the Affordable Care Act including the 'pre existing condition' protection. 
4.  He prefers home schooling over public schools because of 'weird socialization' public schools create, and he wants to overhaul public schools and make them more like a "one room school house experience".  

Not kidding, my jaw was on the floor through most of the interview.  Good thing no one takes this asshole seriously.  And if you haven't Googled his last name yet, please do it, it's hilarious. 

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