Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Grand Old Party of Hypocrisy

Allen West: Government 'Should Be Censoring The American News Agencies' That Collaborated With WikiLeaks
Seriously, what the is the GOP's problem with the first amendment?  They seem to have no problem with the second one.  Several candidates during the elections cited 'second amendment remedies' if they weren't elected, so we know that they've read at least PART of the constitution.  So, what, you only remember the parts you like?  Freedom of Speech, Freedom of the Press, and Freedom of Religion seem to escape you but that's okay with this electorate.  They were too stupid to make it past the anger and fear mongering.  Just check out one of Alan West's staffers: Joyce Kaufman

The other thing they don't seem to have a problem with is hypocrisy.  They want small government but they seem to be okay with it controlling the press, the only thing that really has the ability to administer truth anymore.  That being said, with the press becoming increasingly more biased it is not nearly as effective as it used to be.  That is why I am so grateful to WikiLeaks and Julian Assange.  He has stood up to the powers that be just to bring us the truth.  And now he's being punished for it.  Are we really surprised?  And who's next?

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